• Mar 14, 2025
  • 5:40 AM

Message from the Director – August 2020

Message from the Director 

To my fellow veterans, families, and veteran advocates: 

We are adapting to the new normal of coronavirus and thinking outside the box about ways NDVS can best serve Nevada’s veterans and their families by continuing to offer our valuable services, events and resources in new settings. Obviously, this means moving many of our offerings online to keep everyone safe and healthy. 

On Thursday, August 20NDVS is hosting a free, live virtual conference “Caregiving on the Homefront” for family caregivers of veterans and anyone else interested from 9 a.m. to noon PST. We have great speakers participating, including author Rosalys Peel, and representatives from the VA, AARP and Nevada Department of Health and Human Services.  

We are excited to work with various partners to offer similar free, online events meaningful to Nevada veterans. We are also in the initial stages of planning free, hourlong webinars on popular topics.  Stay tuned! 

On July 28, NDVS hosted a live-stream event celebrating Nevada’s Second Annual Buffalo Soldiers Day.  The event honored the legacy of America’s Buffalo Soldiers and recognized the tremendous accomplishments of Nevada’s African-American military and veterans with the reading of Governor Sisolak’s Buffalo Solider Day Proclamation and the presentation of a Salute to Nevada’s African American Warriors” commemorative calendar.  To view the Governor’s video, download a PDF version of the calendar, access the event video and photos, plus see the media clips, visit: https://veterans.nv.gov/buffalo-soldiers-day-in-nevada/ 

Ups and downs have marked the news from our Veterans Homes this past month. Tragically, there were four resident deaths at the Northern Nevada State Veterans Home (NNSVH) during a COVID-19 outbreak that started June 25 As of today, one resident at the Southern Nevada State Veterans Home is positive with COVID-19, and all other residents at  both State Veteran Homes have recovered, for a total of 67 staff and resident recoveries.

NDVS has several job openings for certified Nursing Assistants and a Registered Nurse at the Southern Nevada State Veterans Home in Boulder City, Nevada. 

As statewide COVID-19 numbers grow, I ask that you please remain safe by wearing face coverings and practice physical distancing. Your health is worth any inconvenience.  But physical distancing does NOT mean social distancing.  Keep in contact with Family, friends, and comrades; call them, Skype and Facetime with them, send a letter (old school, right?), or whatever it takes to stay connected.  We all need each other—this has never been more true.   


Kat Miller